Dear Freshers, we see you can't wait. Recruitments are now open! :) #2023Wrapped



SRMKZILLA - the perfect home for your technical talents, and artistic acumen!

Dear Reader,

SRMKZILLA is a beacon of opportunity and growth for aspiring developers. From your first "Hello World" to your first complex git branch pushes, through our collaborative learning environment, skill development programs, and open-source contributions, the club empowers developers to realize their full potential. On a quest to learn and evolve your skills, welcome home developers!


Design and innovation go hand in hand. Design being the foundation of everything we do, from eye-catching and visually engaging posts to flamboyant visual elements create a strong identity that attracts attention. With unique designs and an artistic vision, welcome home designers!

At SRMKZILLA, by organizing events, leading project teams, and managing club activities, the team members enhance their communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. With opportunities to create extraordinary products; products that redefine what campus clubs can do and set us apart with our quirk for creativity!


Bustling with tech geniuses, Picassos, and philosophers, SRMKZILLA is a paradise for people with an unquenchable thirst to create. Here, you get to be unapologetically you, while still being a part of something bigger than yourself. So, it is our pleasure to invite you into this artistic mosaic of technology, talent and diversity.


We are firm believers of the ancient practice of imparting our centuries old wisdom to the younglings. So, we organize workshops, seminars and other actually useful things practically every other day. From events as awaited as Christopher Nolan movies to fests as big as concerts, we do it all.


Our alumni range from academic weapons to obsessed artists who excel at whatever they decide to pursue. We have a long history of churning out winners and go-getters who continue to amaze us and everyone else in the best way possible. What can we say? We got that Midas touch!


But we do know how to let loose. In fact, we pride ourselves on the parties we throw and the adventures we go on together. There is just something so beautiful about seeing tired students letting loose and going crazy at our many events. And sshhhh! Let's not talk about our 'members only' parties.

Become an SRMKZILLian
Fly over to the dashboard, give us your deets, and your journey to be a part of an Avengers-esque team begins.
Answer the questions curated with Louvre-level care. You'll have a week to answer the questions which will be sent to you by email.
Consider us your therapists, and pour your heart out. We won't mind. Plus, we’re very fun to talk to!
So the pep talk in the mirror worked, huh? Give yourself a high-five and welcome to the Beyoncé of campus clubs!

Core Values

Here at SRMKZILLA, our open-source projects define who we are because we believe in making knowledge and our products accessible to people from all walks of life. We believe genuine innovation necessitates collaboration.

We motivate our members to participate in projects outside of their primary domain, expand their expertise and become the best possible versions of themselves and we are proud to call ourselves home to brilliant programmers, artists, and designers.

Equal Opportunity

SRMKZILLA is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. We are committed to equal volunteering opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, disability or gender identity. We even accept developers who think HTML is a language and Python is the best.